Our Ingredients

Hair care should be straightforward and easy to understand. That's why we not only use clean ingredients, but are fully transparent about why we use what we do and educate you in the process. No need to do any research, we did it all for you and are here to share it all!

Ingredient lists you can actually UNDERSTAND.

  • Peppermint

    Peppermint oil increases blood flow and promotes hair growth during the anagen (growing) phase. Studies show that it increases the number & the depth of hair follicles and has outperformed Minoxidil.

  • Ylang-Ylang

    It's growth-boosting and natural conditioning properties make this a great moisturizer, as it increases and balances sebum production of the scalp and help to reduce breakage! Great for hair loss caused by alopecia, stress and dry scalps!

  • Cedarwood

    Has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which help treat scalp conditions that may contribute to hair loss or slow growth (e.g alopecia, dandruff, etc). It also increases circulation, and balances the oil producing glands in the scalp.

  • Lemongrass

    Lemongrass is known to open up & strengthen hair follicles, reducing hair loss while simultaneously stimulating hair growth! It is loaded with vitamins and minerals essential for hair growth and introduces astringent & antibacterial properties that deep cleans the scalp.

  • Lavender

    Lavender generates the growth of cells, speeds up hair growth, improves blood circulation and strengthens hair follicles! It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anxiolytic properties which prevent the death of deep hair follicles and provide deep nourishment for the hair. It's a great natural deep conditioner for the scalp.

  • Eucalyptus

    Full of nourishing properties that help soothe and calm the scalp, while also stimulating hair follicles to promote growth. Great for treating conditions such as dry and itchy scalps due to its antifungal, antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties!

  • Tea Tree

    Contains powerful cleansing, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties! It helps to unplug hair follicles, increase hair growth and reduce inflamation on the scalp. Great for scalp flaking & itchiness, as it controls & fights dandruff-causing fungi.

  • Basil

    Extremely beneficial to speed up hair growth! Basil improves scalp circulation which stimulates hair follicles and promotes the production of new healthy hair. It provides both a nourishing and protective effect to the scalp!

  • Rosemary

    Does wonders for cellular regeneration, as it speeds up the process of cell turnover and growth! Studies show it performed as well as minoxidil and protects against hair loss related to male or female pattern baldness.

  • Amla

    This vitamin C-rich fruit helps in the regeneration of new hair from the follicles (great for treating baldness). The Vitamin C of amla (a.k.a Indian Gooseberry) produces a collagen protein which is what makes up hair and is needed for growth! The vitamin and mineral content in the fruit increases scalp circulation and stimulates healthy growth, both length and volume wise. Amla also helps your body absorb iron, a mineral necessary for hair growth!

  • Safflower

    Highly Underrated! This powerful flower promotes the proliferation of both dermal papilla cells and HaCaT. Safflower also acts as a scalp stimulator that stimulates hair growth-promoting genes, such as the vascular endothelial & keratinocyte growth factor. But that's not all... it enhances circulation, follicle strength, moisture and protects against the effects of environmental stressors, such as UV rays.

  • Stinging Nettle

    This powerful herb is rich in sulfur, silica, iron, magnesium, zinc and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties! It increases dermal papilla cell growth (similar to safflower) and regulates hair growth cycles. It not only known for regenerating hair follicles, but also minimizing hair breakage/thinning.

  • Thyme

    Thyme is a well-known stimulant. It delivers powerful nutrients to hair follicles that are necessary for healthy hair growth. It promotes hair growth by both stimulating the scalp and actively preventing hair loss. It has astringent, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and has been found to help treat alopecia areata!

  • Olive

    Rich in Omega 3, an effective stimulant that encourages hair growth; and Oleic Acid, which works wonders to combat scalp dryness and dandruff thanks to its nourishing properties! It also repairs & strengthens damaged hair follicles; increases the life span of each hair strand and reduces hair loss by preventing the DHT hormone!

  • Castor

    Known as the go-to oil for hair growth, as it triggers and stimulates dormant hair follicles helping to build stronger roots! Rich in Ricinoleic Acid, it helps increase blood flow to the scalp and fight inflammation. It's antimicrobial properties also keep out harmful bacteria & protect the scalp from diseases and infections, helping to maintain a healthy growth environment.

  • Hibiscus

    Rich in amino acids, a prime building block of keratin (what hair is made of) and Vitamin C, the deficiency of which is known to cause hair loss. Hibiscus stimulates collagen production and balances PH levels of the scalp; it is great for covering bald patches and combating dryness & dandruff.

Backed by Science, always